The Role of Feeding and Feeders in Preparing for Deer Season in Georgia

The Role of Feeding and Feeders in Preparing for Deer Season in Georgia

Aug 5th 2024

Feeding deer and using feeders can play a significant role in your hunting strategy, especially in a state like Georgia, where habitat and food sources can vary greatly. Proper feeding practices not only help attract deer to your hunting area but also contribute to the overall health and growth of the local deer population. Here’s a detailed look at how to effectively use feeding and feeders as part of your preparation for deer season.

1. Understanding the Benefits of Feeding

Attraction: Feeders can attract deer to specific locations, making it easier for you to observe and hunt them. This is particularly useful in areas with sparse natural food sources.

Nutrition: Supplemental feeding can improve the health and size of the deer herd. Providing high-quality feed helps deer maintain good body condition, which is crucial during the stressful winter months and the rut.

Herd Management: By attracting deer to feeders, you can better manage the population by selectively harvesting certain individuals, such as older bucks or does.

2. Choosing the Right Feed

Selecting the appropriate feed is crucial for the health of the deer and the effectiveness of your feeding program. Here are some common options:

Corn: A favorite among deer, corn is widely used due to its attractiveness and cost-effectiveness. However, it lacks essential nutrients, so it should be supplemented with other feeds.

Protein Pellets: High-protein pellets are excellent for promoting antler growth and overall health. Look for pellets with around 16-20% protein content.

Mineral Supplements: Adding mineral supplements to your feed can provide essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, which are important for antler development and overall health.

Food Plots: While not a traditional feeder, planting food plots with clover, soybeans, or other forage can provide a natural and sustainable food source.

3. Types of Feeders

There are various types of feeders you can use, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

Gravity Feeders: These feeders rely on gravity to dispense feed. They are simple, require no batteries, and are less likely to scare deer. However, they may not control the amount of feed dispensed, leading to wastage.

Broadcast Feeders: These use a timer to dispense feed at specific times. They allow for precise control over feeding times and quantities, but they require batteries and can be more expensive.

Trough Feeders: Open troughs allow multiple deer to feed simultaneously. They are easy to refill and maintain but can be susceptible to weather conditions and non-target animals.

Automatic Feeders: These combine features of gravity and broadcast feeders, offering convenience and control. They can be programmed to dispense specific amounts at certain times, reducing wastage and ensuring consistent feeding.

4. Legal Considerations

Before setting up feeders, familiarize yourself with Georgia’s regulations regarding feeding and baiting. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has specific rules, such as:

  • Baiting: In certain zones, baiting deer is allowed during deer season, but there may be restrictions on how and when it can be done. Always check the latest regulations for your hunting zone.
  • Distance from Hunting Areas: There are typically regulations regarding the minimum distance feeders must be from hunting stands or blinds.
  • 5. Best Practices for Feeding

    Location: Place feeders in areas with